Product Build Maps
Establishing shared understanding of the complex internal product build environment at Tableau to prioritize improvements.
The internal software build at Tableau was complex, handling multiple languages, producing multiple products, managed by multiple teams, and used by diverse development teams. It was difficult to design and prioritize improvements to the build due to stakeholders’ different perspectives.
Create a shared understanding of the developer experience of the internal product build in order to foster agreement on how to progress the build and prioritize improvements.
My role
This was a solo customer journey mapping project and I was the User Researcher, Workshop Facilitator, Content Strategist, and Graphic Designer. I collaborated with Infrastructure Developers and Managers to describe the product build system and design the user research and I interviewed and observed Product Developers.
Mapping the software build system
Workshop and plan with stakeholders
Based on the input from experts, I created a diagram that showed how developers got code into the build, what systems it passed through, and what were the outputs. I took this build diagram into a workshop with the experts and asked them to add more painpoints, interfaces, and current work to validate my analysis, generate a richer view of the system, and involve stakeholders.
I also asked for input into the different kinds of developers needed to be representative of the users to help design the user research.
Understanding the developer experience
Build experience maps
After the interviews, I synthesized the information into two customer journey maps showing what developers were doing, thinking, and feeling at different stages of Setup, Sync, Code, Build, and Submit, providing a quick but detailed overview of what it was like to work with the builds from the developer perspective. An Opportunities section at the bottom provided suggestions for improvements and prioritization.
I designed the Build Experience Maps tabloid size so they could be easily printed out on office printers and be a convenient size to use for reference and discussion at desks or meetings.
Workshop build experience maps
After creating the maps, I did a second workshop to create a structured time for processing and internalizing the information across the infrastructure group.
The maps garnered an overwhelming positive response. I was struck by how the maps positively influenced discussion dynamics in a collaborative direction because they were holistic and a shared external object. The “Build Maps” as they came to be commonly called were used for an Architectural offsite, to onboard new engineering leadership, and created a shared understanding that the next generation build is being constructed with.
Thanking Participants
Doing the research for the Build Experience Maps deeply moved me. I was grateful for the time infrastructure staff and product developers took to explain the complexity and nuance of the systems and the trust to share their experiences candidly.
At the end I wanted to offer my thanks and show what their contribution had ultimately created so I made Build-X-Map compasses and thank you cards for everyone with information on how to access digital copies. I distributed cards and hard copies of the maps to all the offices with gratitude and pride in what we had made together.